Product Content
Approximately 29 Tungsten Beads with a total weight of 1 ounce(1)
Product Specifications
Diameter - 3/16 inch
Weight Per Bead - 0.034 ounce (typical)
What is Tungsten?
Tungsten is a metal with one of the highest densities. Tungsten is 1.7 times more dense than lead, 2.4 times denser than steel, and 2.7 times denser than zinc.
How to Use this Product
Tungsten Beads are typically used for fine-tuning the weight of a car. This is accomplished by drilling 3/16 inch holes in the bottom of the car, and then gluing beads into the holes.
(1) 1 ounce nominal weight - actual weight ranges from 0.9 to 1.0 ounces.