Pine Block – Extended Axle Holes


A high quality pine block for your shaping pleasure. The block is equipped with precision-drilled axle holes at an extended position. The front-left axle hole is drilled higher in order to run three wheels on the ground.


Important – Read Before Ordering

  • Wheels and axles are not included with the blocks.
  • If you need the block to have four wheels on the ground, or plan to use Awana axles, then in addition to the block you will need to add a standard option to the shopping cart.


You will get top performance from these blocks!

  • Precision Axle Holes – The axle holes are precision drilled to improve alignment and speed.
  • Raised Axle Hole – The front-left axle hole is drilled slightly higher so that the car runs on three-wheels. Tests consistently prove that three-wheel cars are faster than four-wheel cars.
  • Maximum Wheelbase – The axle holes are drilled to give the maximum length wheelbase. This increases stability, improves alignment, and enables the maximum benefit of weight placement.


The block measures:

Height: 1-1/4″
Width: 1-3/4″
Length: 7″

The block is equipped with precision-drilled axle holes. The holes are located 11/16″ from the end of the block and are drilled with a #44 bit (fits BSA axles). One front axle hole is slightly raised so that the car will ride on three wheels (best performance).


The following standard options are available:

  1. Option 9000: Drilled axle holes, 4 wheels on the ground – add $1.00.
  2. Option 9001: Extended wheel base block with standard slots – add $1.00.
  3. Option 9002: Drilled axle holes for Awana axles (3/32″ bit) – add $1.00.
  4. Option 9003: Wedge Cut Block – add $2.00.
  5. Option 9004: Block Sliced Per Customer – add $2.00.

A high quality pine block for your shaping pleasure! The block is equipped with precision-drilled axle holes at an extended position.

From Randy:
“We use a precision drill press to ensure that axle holes are drilled as accurately as possible. This minimizes alignment issues, simplifying the building of a fast car.”