New Pinewood Derby Products from Maximum Velocity – 11/18/13

It’s heading into the holiday season, but that also means it’s pinewood derby time. Just in time for derby season, we are announcing several new products and some special offers to help you have a great race.

Pro-Bore Wax: This plastic-safe wax will put a mirror-like shine on the wheel bore, reducing friction and improving performance.

Pro-Axle Bender: This new tool from DerbyWorx provides an accurate, simple, and repeatable way to put a bend in pinewood derby axles. On typical axles, the tool supports any angle between 1/2 and 8 degrees.

Pro-Stainless Steel Axles: These CNC-machined axles are formed to resemble Cub Scout axles, but with a two-step shaft for a good fit with axle slots or holes, and an excellent fit with the wheel. The axles have a tapered head, no burrs and crimps marks, and are made from a high quality stainless steel for increased strength, and reduced friction. Both grooved and non-grooved versions are available.

Guide Fin: When rail-riding, the front raised wheel is just dead weight. Replace it with a Guide Fin, and add the saved weight where you want it.

Car Canopies (2 for the price of 1): Dress up your car with a large or small canopy, or use both! Simply cut out a canopy and glue it to the car with epoxy or canopy glue. For a unique look, paint the inside to match or compliment your car’s finish.

We have many other new products as well. You can see all of them.

As always if we can help in any way, please contact us by e-mail.

Best wishes to you and your family for a great pinewood derby racing season.

With best regards,
Randy Davis
Maximum Velocity – Give Your Car The Racer’s Edge!

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